Tips Trip to Swiss National Park in Switzerland

Aletsch glacier
The Swiss National Park in Switzerland was the first national park of the country as well as the entire continent. This National Park was founded in the year 1914. Swiss National Park is the only national park in the whole nation. It was founded as a sanctuary in which the natural world is prevented from the intervention of the human beings. The entire wildlife that holds its existence in this National Park of Switzerland is left aloof so that it could enjoy its natural development. The covered by this National Park of Switzerland is around 172.3 sq. km which covers around 0.42% of the area of the nation. The tree – line of this Park is spread over 2200 meters above the sea level in Engadin whereas in rest of the nation the tree line is 1900 meters above the sea level. The park has 80 meters of the track.

The Tropical Alps

  1. You must not leave any marked track!
  2. You are not allowed to pluck any flower or plant!
  3. It is strictly forbidden to hunt, bother the animals or even any fish!
  4. You will not be allowed to use the stoves!
  5. The visitors of this park are suggested to take their waste out of the park them selves!
Chillon Castle
Swiss National Park Zernez Flower
Parc Naziunal Swizzer
The Matterhorn
Swiss National Park Via Railway

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